The ICTTF is a not-for-profit initiative promoting the ecosystem of an international, independent, non-partisan cyber security company. We encourage collaboration, networking and knowledge sharing through an innovative network of like-minded people and companies.
To create a network of innovative cyber security experts to make the internet a safe place for everyone. IT TAKES A NETWORK TO DEFEAT A NETWORK
• We are responsible, accountable, respectful, effective and efficient
• We promote honesty, integrity and openness in all that we do
• We encourage innovation to meet challenges
• We foster an environment of collaboration
The ICTTF shall conduct its business in compliance with national, European and all applicable international legislation, agreements, treaties and protocols. The ICTTF and its representatives shall conduct their affairs to the highest ethical standards in keeping with our commitment to the principles of natural justice, due process and to the protection of civil and human rights.
Strict adherence to our code of ethics is a condition of membership and certification. Failure to do so may result in a revocation of membership once reviewed by the board.
Core Ethics
- Care factor – Protect society, the common good, necessary public trust and confidence
- Integrity - All members will act honourably, honestly, justly, responsibly, and legally.
- Confidentiality - The ICTTF respects and preserves the confidentiality of personal information in accordance with relevant legislation and as per our privacy statement, no personal information in shared with third parties, with the exception of the Department of Education for the purposes of completing participants and this is done with the authority, knowledge and consent of all said participants
- Openness - Business and educational activities will be conducted in an open and transparent manner at all times
- Professional - Provide diligent and competent service while advancing and protecting the community
- Purpose – The ICTTF and it’s members will at all times act with purpose in a professional, trustworthy and honest manner to best serve its participants
Business ethics
The ICTTF may on occasion offer guidance on making ethical decisions, it does not expect to supervise or judge professionals in making these difficult decisions. It understands that not all factors within the profession will remain in line with the core values/principles of the ICTTF and will reserve judgement in these cases.
The ICTTF and its members are expected to act with integrity, comply with laws, maintain a professional work environment and observe company policies. They should treat customers, colleagues, and partners ethically at all times, in particular -
The ICTTF and its members are expected to act with integrity, comply with laws, maintain a professional work environment and observe company policies. They should treat customers, colleagues, and partners ethically at all times, in particular -
• Communications - avoid derogatory, dismissive or overly critical comments
• Diversity – value and embrace diversity, encourage different opinions, treat everyone with respect and courtesy.
• Human ethics – commitment to not work with vendors who use child labour, are environmentally harmful and ensure that third party providers adhere to the same ethical standards and best practice
• Information sharing - Provide current, accurate and honest information in an ethical manner
All complaints should be sent to support@icttf.org, where the identity of the complainant will be kept confidential unless it is considered by the board that disclosure of this information is necessary for due process. Complaints must be in the form of a sworn affidavit. The committee will not consider allegations in any other form- Download an Ethics Complaint Affidavit Form. All complaints will be dealt with in a timely manner by the board.

Unit 8, Kinsealy Business Park,
Kinsealy Lane,
Co Dublin
K36 CX92 -
support@icttf.org -
+353 (0)1 905 3263
Copyright © - All Rights Reserved - ICTTF Ltd. - Registered Company in Ireland: 567446 - VAT No IE3395678DH