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DORA (CoE) - Immersive Labs
As the DORA Compliance Deadline draws closer so to does your opportunity to deal with the challenges related to DORA compliance by attending the EU DORA Summit. There you will have the opportunity to not only partake in a full days training and gain CPD points BUT you will have the opportunity to engage with the worlds best DORA experts, innovators and solution providers at the DORA Expo Zone.
This DORA Centre of Excellence is comprised of the “best of the best” - you can ask questions, gain insights and see demonstrations of their solutions.
In this newsletter, we want to shine the “DORA Spotlight” on ImmersiveLabs - let’s consider why a Cyber Crisis Simulator is an integral part of DORA Compliance.
A cyber crisis simulator designed for tabletop exercises can significantly contribute to DORA compliance by addressing several key aspects of the Digital Operational Resilience Act. Here's how it aligns with DORA's requirements:
ICT Risk Management Framework:
DORA emphasises the importance of a robust ICT Risk Management Framework to systematically identify, assess, and mitigate ICT risks. A cyber crisis simulator allows organisations to test their risk management strategies in simulated crisis scenarios, ensuring that their frameworks are not only theoretically sound but also practically effective. This directly supports the objectives outlined in the DORA compliance program overview, which stresses the need for a comprehensive approach to managing ICT risks.
Information Security Management System (ISMS):
The establishment of an ISMS is crucial for safeguarding data integrity and availability, as mentioned in the DORA compliance program overview. By using a cyber crisis simulator, organisations can evaluate the effectiveness of their ISMS in real-time, simulated cyber-attack scenarios. This hands-on approach to testing can uncover potential weaknesses in the system that might not be evident through traditional compliance checks.
Incident Management Process:
DORA mandates the implementation of an Incident Management Process to promptly address and rectify any breaches. Tabletop exercises facilitated by a cyber crisis simulator can play a pivotal role in training incident response teams, enhancing their readiness and response capabilities. This practical training aligns with DORA's requirement for a dynamic and effective incident management framework that can adapt to the evolving cyber threat landscape.
Training and Awareness:
DORA introduces a legal requirement for rigorous staff and management training in cyber and ICT resilience. A cyber crisis simulator offers an interactive and engaging platform for conducting this training, ensuring that all levels of an organisation are not only aware of the compliance requirements but are also prepared to act effectively in the event of a cyber incident.
Continuous Improvement and Adaptation:
The dynamic nature of DORA, requires continual attention to align with its evolving standards over time. Cyber crisis simulators enable organisations to regularly test and update their cyber resilience strategies in line with new developments, ensuring ongoing compliance with DORA.
In conclusion, a cyber crisis simulator that facilitates tabletop exercises is a valuable tool for organisations seeking to comply with the Digital Operational Resilience Act. It supports the act's requirements for ICT risk management, information security, incident management, staff training, and continuous improvement, thereby enhancing an organisation's preparedness for and resilience against cyber threats in alignment with DORA's objectives.
You can meet the team from Immersive Labs at this year’s EU DORA Summit and ask them directly about how they are helping organisations with their DORA compliance requirements.

Unit 8, Kinsealy Business Park,
Kinsealy Lane,
Co Dublin
K36 CX92 -
support@icttf.org -
+353 (0)1 905 3263